How to Write an Email Inviting a Guest Speaker for an Office Event

In this blog post, let us look at how you can write an email inviting a guest speaker for an office event, and making it more potent by following tips, hacks and best practices for the situation. We will also share a sample email template that you can use to get it right, every time.

Shiva Prabhakaran

Shiva Prabhakaran

Marketing Expert at Routine
Published on


A guest speaker for an office event can really boost the image of the event in the attendee's eyes and also create more value for them by introducing new ideas and perspectives. The guest speaker invitation email you are going to send to probable guests will set the expectation about the event and can greatly influence the decision of the speaker.

So in this blog post, let us look at how you can write an email inviting a guest speaker for an office event, and making it more potent by following tips, hacks and best practices for the situation. We will also share a sample email template that you can use to get it right, every time.

Things to Remember for Inviting a Guest Speaker

  • Research your speaker thoroughly so that you can first and foremost ensure that he/she is ideal for the role and secondly to showcase to the speaker that you have done your homework before contacting them.

  • When sending the email try and personalize the invitation through things like using their name, referencing their work, etc. This will assure them that this is not a mass email they are receiving instead they were chosen for the role.

  • To ensure that the speaker is clear on what they can get out of the guest speaking assignment and better prepare for the event, clearly state the details of the event including date, recommended topics, audience demographics and interests.

  • Be flexible and listen to ideas from the prospective guest speaker on what they want to talk about, when, how they would like to go about it and more. Do not reject ideas right off the bat and see if the proposition makes sense and would bring more value than the original plan.

Best Practices for Inviting a Guest Speaker

  • Be concise and comprehensive and provide the speaker with all the necessary details they need to make the decision but not too much so that they are overwhelmed by the amount of information.

  • Use a polite and professional tone when you are writing a guest outreach email because you want to create a good impression and assure the prospective speaker of what to expect if they were to go ahead with it.

  • Follow-up with the prospective speakers if you do not hear back from them within a reasonable amount of time. You can automate this using tools like GMass where you set an automatic follow-up if there has been no response for a particular number of days.

  • Show immense gratitude to the speaker for considering the offer and tell them how much it would mean if they would attend the event and share their ideas with the larger team.

Sample Template for Inviting a Guest Speaker

Subject: Guest Speaker Invitation at [Event Name] by [Company's Name]

Dear [Prospective Speaker's Name],

Hope you are well. My name is [Your Name] and I am currently working as [Designation] at [Company's Name].

I am part of the organizing committee for [Event Name] and I found your profile while looking at thought leaders in the [Industry/Field], and I believe your expertise in [Specific Domain] would fit perfectly with the agenda of our event.

Our event is scheduled for [Event Date] aims to [Briefly Describe the Purpose of the Event and the Type of Audience]. You would be able to add a lot of value to the audience as you might have already guessed.

We are going for something ambitious and it would be great if you can join us for a [Duration] minute talk. You could also be a part of our panel discussion on [Topic].

The speaking slots currently open are [List of Slots]. We understand your time is valuable and if you can confirm your attendance, we will try and accommodate modifications to the slot time. Additionally, we will cover your travel and accommodation expenses.

If interested, please let me know and we would be open to discussing about making this experience a win-win for both parties. Also, if you have any questions or queries, please feel to reach out by replying to this email or calling me on [Your Phone Number] during work hours.

Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Warm regards,

[Your Full Name]

[Your Position]

[Company Name]

[Contact Information]


Now that you know how to write an invitation email for a guest speaker, you can now be more confident about your email skills. An email crafted with concise information, legitimate curiosity for the speaker's ideas, etc, can really influence their decision to show up to your event. Following the tips and best practices shared in this post, your invitation will sound a lot more professional and convincing.

We trust that you found this blog post helpful. Please feel free to delve into our wide range of other email templates and best practices content. Thanks for reading.

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