A summary of all 
your productivity information

Quickly access all the information that matters right now. Through Routine’s hotkey, bring forward your tasks and events of the day to know what is coming up next and what you should focus on.

Always at your fingertips

Open the dashboard anywhere on your desktop without having to switch context and lose focus. Simply hit *^ ⎵* (CTRL+SPACE) to access all the information you need right now.

→ More about Keyboard shortcuts

Tasks & events of the day

Open the dashboard anywhere on your desktop without having to switch context and lose focus.

Contextual notes

Take quick notes on what is taking place without leaving your Zoom conference call or the Google Spreadsheet document you are currently working on.


Capture a thought, add a note to a future meeting, create a task or schedule a meeting through Routine’s powerful natural-language-based console.

→ More about Console
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