The most efficient task manager for busy people

Routine task management capabilities go beyond scheduling regular and recurring tasks. Routine’s postponing functionality and the ability to embed tasks anywhere in your notes provides the perfect combination to organize work effectively while staying in focus.

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Capture everything on your mind

Open the dashboard anywhere on your desktop to save your thoughts, create tasks and seamlessly plan and organize them in real-time. Leveraging Routine's robust natural language capabilities, you can input tasks, for both immediate action or for scheduled completion.

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Regular and recurring tasks

In addition to handling regular tasks, Routine makes it very easily to create recurring tasks through its intuitive natural language capabilities, both in the console and in any note. One can easily overview all running & paused recurring tasks.

Plan your tasks next to your calendar events

By gathering all your tasks, chat messages, emails and tickets that you must act upon next to your calendar, you can more easily prioritize work and focus on making progress on the items that really matter.

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