Write an Email to Someone Who Missed a Meeting

Meetings are part and parcel of the modern workplace, and if you have been doing this for a while, you know that no-shows to a meeting are more common than you would like.

Shiva Prabhakaran

Shiva Prabhakaran

Marketing Expert at Routine
Published on


Meetings are part and parcel of the modern workplace, and if you have been doing this for a while, you know that no-shows to a meeting are more common than you would like.

While almost all of us have experienced a no-show at some point, learning how to deal with one is not common.

So let's look at how to deal with a no-show without making a bad impression.

Best practices for a better experience

Before getting into templates and messaging specifics, it is essential to look at general best practices to ensure that your follow-up experience and the aftermath are smooth. So here they are:

Don't guilt trip or harass the prospect

Remember that the goal of the email is not to make the prospect feel guilty about missing the meeting. So avoid phrases like "I was waiting eagerly," "Didn't expect this from you," etc.

Give additional context and be honest

When someone misses a meeting, it can be for various reasons, including the context of the meeting not being communicated well. So take this opportunity to add context that they might have missed.

Choose an appropriate window

A "follow-up" email prematurely can hamper your relationship with your prospect. Usually, not showing up till ten minutes after the start of the meeting could safely be considered a no-show. Hence, sending the email after that window is ideal.

Keep it polite, and don't nag

While it is understandable that you are upset with the no-show, you need to keep your language and tone in check. A polite and diplomatic tone is the ideal way to go about the email. Also, ensure that you make a point once and refrain from repeatedly stating it in the body of the email.

Things to include in the mail

Here are a few things that you should consider adding to the email, depending on what's applicable.

  • Reschedule logistics: Date, time, tools (if applicable).

  • Documentation: Related documents, links, and assets.

  • Window to back out: Opportunities to defer or discard the invitation.

Email templates for the circumstance

With all the information shared above, here are some templates you can use for your next no-show follow-up email.

Template A: Quick, low context follow-up email.


It seems like we missed each other in today's meeting.

If you're available, let's try again [TIME FRAME]. I want to take [TOPIC] forward, and a quick call would go a long way.

Here is a link [CALENDLY LINK] you can use to schedule a call with me.

If you have an alternative you want to explore, do let me know.



Template B: Follow up along with document sharing & opportunity to discard the meeting.


It looks like we missed each other today, and I wanted to go over [TOPIC] with you.

I've attached some documents that can add more context to our meeting.

Let's schedule another call for [TIME FRAME]. Let me know what time works best for you; alternatively, use my Calendly link to pick an appropriate time.

FYI, we could defer this meeting if you feel an email explaining {TOPIC] could suffice.



Template C: Quick follow-up with an opportunity for the recipient to back out.


Sorry, we missed each other at our scheduled meeting.

If you're available, let's try again [TIME FRAME]. I'd still like to discuss how [TOPICS] can [BENEFIT].

To schedule the meeting, you can access my calendar here [CALENDLY LINK].

Please do let me know if there is a change.




And with that, we end this post about emailing someone who has missed a meeting. We hope the practices and the templates shared come in handy the next time you need them.

Do you have any suggestions for us? Did we miss any best practices? Do let us know on Twitter and LinkedIn. Thanks for reading.

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