How to Write a Severance Negotiation Email to Your Manager

In this blog post, we will look at how you can write an email negotiating your severance package through best practices, tips and an actual sample email you can use. So let us get started.

Shiva Prabhakaran

Shiva Prabhakaran

Marketing Expert at Routine
Published on


Severance package negotiations can be tricky and a lot of variables need to be handled tactfully so that you get the best deal you can.

And in this blog post, we will look at how you can write an email negotiating your severance package through best practices, tips and an actual sample email you can use. So let us get started.

Tips to Remember

  • When asking to negotiate your severance package it is critical to keep your communication professional and not let emotions come into play.

  • Showcase past contributions including things you worked on with other teams so that the recipient knows that you were a contributor and an asset to the company.

  • Focus on events and aspects of your job that paint the entire experience in a positive light and avoid sounding bitter or resentful.

Best Practices

  • Tell the recipient exactly what your expectations are, there is no point in putting a lowball number for the fear of outright rejection.

  • Be open to discussing or negotiating with the company, because dialogue is critical to arrive at a place where it is a win-win situation for both parties.

  • Thank them for the consideration and wish them well, so that you are able to maintain a positive relationship that could come in handy someday instead of burning that bridge.

Sample Email

Subject: Request for Severance Package Negotiation

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

Hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], currently working as [Designation] in [Team/Department] and am writing this email to discuss the terms of my severance. I immensely value maintaining a positive working relationship with [Company ] and would like to part amicably.

I am incredibly grateful for all the opportunities that [Company] has offered me over the years and I have greatly benefited from them. I have been part of some of [Company]’s most critical projects over the last few years which include [List Projects You Contributed To]. I was also recognized through [Share Any Awards or Recognition You Received].

After diligent consideration of the severance proposal, I would like to make a fresh proposal with some changes in terms for your consideration.

  • [Specify the Severance Amount You Are Requesting]

  • [List Additional Benefits You Seek]

I would greatly appreciate it if you could agree to my proposal and I am happy to discuss this further with you and reach an agreement that not only aligns with my needs but also the [Company]’s interests.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to a positive response from you.


[Your Name]


Now that you have learned how to write a severance package negotiation email, the next step is to actually send it out when you are ready. Thanks for reading.

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