Write an Email Requesting Contact Details at Work

In this blog post, we will look at how you can draft an email requesting the contact details of someone you want to/are collaborating with. We will do this by looking at useful hacks, best practices and a sample email template which will help you keep your email professional and compelling. So let us jump in.

Shiva Prabhakaran

Shiva Prabhakaran

Marketing Expert at Routine
Published on


Collaboration is a critical part of the modern workplace and having the collaborator's contact details will make the process a lot more easy.

In this blog post, we will look at how you can draft an email requesting the contact details of someone you want to/are collaborating with. We will do this by looking at useful hacks, best practices and a sample email template which will help you keep your email professional and compelling. So let us jump in.

Things to Remember When Requesting Contact Details

  • State the purpose and add context of the request and also share information about the project so as to justify the need.

  • Keep the tone professional and polite throughout the email so that the other person does not feel that they are being imposed upon.

  • Personalize the email to show that you have put some thought into it and you are making this request because there is a real need for it.

  • Assure the person of privacy and confidentiality with their contact details, so that they are more inclined to sharing it with you.

Best Practices for Requesting Contact Details

  • Time your email so that the person is not so busy when he gets it. This would ideally be sometime before or after lunch.

  • Have a specific subject line that clearly conveys what you are requesting and why, so that the recipient has no ambiguities.

  • Provide clarity on the request and state explicitly the details you need from the recipient and how those details will be used.

  • Follow up with the person if you have not received a revert within a reasonable time frame and please emphasize on the delay caused.

Sample Template for Requesting Contact Details

Subject: Requesting Contact Information for [Project Name]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

Hope you are well. My name is [Your Name] and I am currently working with [Team Name] for the past [Tenure Duration]. I am writing this email to request your contact details for [Explain the Project or Reason], specifically I would need your email address and your phone number.

Given your expertise in [List Why They are Critical to the Project], having your contact details will make it really easy for us to sync up and collaborate on [Project Name or Description].

I can assure you that your contact details are safe with me and they would only be used with respect to the [Project Name] during working hours. If you have any questions or clarifications, feel free to reply back to this email.

Thank you so much for your understanding. I hope to hear from you soon and can not wait to collaborate on this project.

Warm regards,

[Your Name] - [Designation]

[Your Phone Number]


When you are requesting contact details via email, you need to balance professionalism and personalization. By following the best practices shared in this post regarding politeness, assurance of privacy, personalization, etc., you should be able to draft an email for this scenario pretty easily.

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