Launching "The Productive Minute" Podcast

"The Productive Minute" is a podcast by Routine where we explore important ideas, hacks and methodologies in the productivity space.

Shiva Prabhakaran

Shiva Prabhakaran

Marketing Expert at Routine
Published on


There is a lot of value to be added in the productivity space and not everyone has the time to watch a video or a read a blog post, so we decided to make things a lot more accessible for everyone. Hence why we just launched "The Productive Minute" podcast.

On our podcast we will cover some of the most important concepts and ideas in the productivity space with the aim of giving something actionable at the end of each episode.

We are also looking to bring CEOs and productivity experts to add value to our audience, so if this sounds interesting, do reach out to us at You can also reach out to us on the same email if you have any suggestions or ideas that we can make happen.

Finally, you can find the podcast on all your favorite podcast streaming services including Spotify, Apple Podcasts & Amazon Music. Thank you for your support.

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