How to Write an Email Requesting More Information from a Team Member

In this post we will look at some tips, hacks and best practices on how to politely ask for information via email from a team member. We will also share two samples of email asking for information.

Shiva Prabhakaran

Shiva Prabhakaran

Marketing Expert at Routine
Published on


In any organisation, big or small, no one person or team holds the monopoly over information. There are always details that you will need from other team members or even other teams, so it is crucial that you learn how to politely ask for information via email.

And in this blog post, we will take you through exactly that along with some tips, hacks and best practices to ensure that the recipient understands the request, the context around it, and swiftly gives it to you. We also have samples that you can modify and use based on your needs.

So irrespective of whether the information is related to a task, project, person, events, etc, you can use the hacks shared here for optimal results.

Tips and Hacks

  • Start by understanding the purpose of the information request email so as to be able to make a case for it with your colleague or team member.

  • Be clear about what you want and make sure that you are able to justify your request by showcasing the need and criticality of that information.

  • Keep your messaging concise and to the point so that you do not confuse the recipient and giving them reasons as to why that information should not be shared.

  • Maintain a neutral professional tone when requesting information via email and use words that are appropriate for the circumstance and avoid slang, emoticons, etc.

Best Practices When Requesting Information via Email

  • Start your email by greeting the recipient politely and ensuring that you start off on the right foot. Something like, "Hello [NAME]" or "Hope you are well." should work.

  • Give yourself a brief yet concise introduction to establish credibility which will in-turn assure the recipient that he is not dealing with someone shady and he will more open to granting the request.

  • Share additional context on why the information is important and how it will be handled so that he/she can make an informed decision on whether to share it or not.

  • When you make a request, clearly state what information you will need and make sure that there is no ambiguity. Having vague requests is a recipe for miscommunication.

  • Finally, thank the recipient for understanding your situation, the context of the request and for considering to share the information that they are privy to.

Sample Email Requesting Information

Sample 1 (Requesting Information from a Team Member)

Subject Line: Requesting Information for [Project Name]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

Hope you are doing well. I am [Your Name] from [Department], currently working as [Designation].

I would like to request some information about [Describe Information Details] by [Deadline Date].

Ideally, the information would be [Describe Format or Other Details], but do let me know if any of this is not possible.

This information is critical to our [Project Name], and I would really appreciate a quick turn-around.

Thanks for considering my request. I am here to answer any questions you might have.


[Your Name]

Sample 2 (Requesting Information from Your Manager)

Subject Line: Urgent Information Request for [Deadline Date] Deadline [Project Name]

Dear [Manager's Name]

Hope you are well. I was pursuing [Task Name] and found that I would need [Describe Information] to complete it.

It is a critical project because [Explain Why It Is Critical].

Your swift response would be greatly appreciated by both me and the team since [Deadline Date] is the deadline to complete this.

If you've got questions, I would be happy to clarify.


[Your Name]


Sending out an email requesting information can feel like a overt, bureaucratic and cumbersome task, but it needs to be done and it is almost never as bad as you think it is. So go ahead and draft that email or copy one of the samples shared above and "Hit send".

We hope you found this useful, and if it did, consider checking out Routine's blog where we share tons of helpful information including having an extensive content library of email samples for different situations.

If you would like to check out Routine, you can do so here. It is free to use.

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