How to Write an Email Requesting the Meeting Agenda

One of the best ways to ensure a good meeting is agreeing on a clear and concise meeting agenda before the meeting and when you need to request one, you need to keep in mind certain hacks and best practices to ensure that you get that meeting agenda.

Shiva Prabhakaran

Shiva Prabhakaran

Marketing Expert at Routine
Published on


Clear and concise communication is critical to achieving useful meeting outcomes and in today's business environment preparing for a meeting is a skill that every one of us must learn.

One of the best ways to ensure a good meeting is agreeing on a clear and concise meeting agenda before the meeting and when you need to request one, you need to keep in mind certain hacks and best practices to ensure that you get that meeting agenda.

And in this blog post, we will learn to do exactly that. So let us jump in.

Things to Remember When Requesting a Meeting Agenda

  • Know the recipient: Understand who you are sending the email to, whether it's a colleague, manager, or someone from another organization and tailor your tone and language accordingly.

  • Keep things clear: Ensure your request is clear and easy to understand and avoid any sort of ambiguity.

  • Pick a good subject line: Consider using a subject line like "Request for Meeting Agenda" to be more effective and avoid any sort of complicated subject line formulas that might not convey the subject matter quickly.

  • Stay professional: Maintain a professional tone throughout your email correspondence and avoid any type of slang, jargon, or even overly casual language for that matter.

Best Practices for Requesting a Meeting Agenda

  • Begin with a polite greeting: Start your mail with a greeting, addressing the recipient by name if possible and be polite.

  • Explicitly state the purpose: In the opening paragraph, be concise and polite when explaining why you requested the meeting agenda.

  • Request the agenda: Clearly ask for the meeting agenda and specify the date and time you need it.

  • Show appreciation: Always show gratitude for their assistance and cooperation. A simple "Thank you in advance for your help" goes a long way.

Sample Template for Requesting a Meeting Agenda

Subject: Request for Meeting Agenda

Dear [Recipient's Name],

Hope you are well. I am writing this email to request the agenda of our upcoming [Meeting Name] scheduled for [Date] at [Time]. Having the agenda will help me in preparing for the meeting and the keep the outcomes of the meeting helpful.

Having the agenda beforehand will help make this meeting a success and your help on this matter is highly valued.

Please share the agenda by [Date]. Thank you for your cooperation and I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position and Your Company]


Requesting a meeting agenda via email is a simple yet essential task in business communication. Following the guidelines outlined in this article ensures that your request is clear, professional, and respectful.

Be courteous, provide context when necessary, and express your appreciation for the recipient's assistance. Effective communication sets the stage for productive meetings; requesting the agenda is a step in the right direction.

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