How to Write an Email Informing Clients of a New Point of Contact

In this blog post, we will look at tips you can use to write an email informing clients of a new point of contact, some best practices and then share a sample email that you can just copy and modify based on your needs. So let us get started.

Shiva Prabhakaran

Shiva Prabhakaran

Marketing Expert at Routine
Published on


Managing communication with your client is essential in today's connected workplace and changes are not uncommon. One such event like a point of contact (POC) change has to be effectively communicated to your client professionally and in-time.

In this blog post, we will look at tips you can use to write an email informing clients of a new point of contact, some best practices and then share a sample email that you can just copy and modify based on your needs. So let us get started.

Things to Remember When Informing Clients of a New Point of Contact

  • Be prompt with your communication so that the client has enough time to adapt to the changes and plan accordingly. Plus, a last minute briefing might sound very unprofessional and hasty.

  • Be very clear about what is happening, why is the change happening, how will communication happen going forward and keep it professionally throughout the email.

  • Personalize your email and ensure that the client understands that it is not a shallow announcement. Tell your client about how much their business means to you and how happy your company is about serving them.

  • Provide comprehensive contact information of the new POC so that the client has multiple ways of contacting them incase one of them is not feasible. Double check whether the details you have shared is accurate.

  • Do not forget to acknowledge previous POC's contributions to the collaboration between your company and client, this will help remind the client of the positive relationship they have had with your organisation.

Best Practices When Informing Clients of a New Point of Contact

  • Choose a clear and concise subject line and ensure that you use the word "Important" on it so that it gets the client's attention. Change of POC is something that client has to know as soon as possible and marking it as important will ensure that.

  • Clearly introduce the client to new POC and add their previous work, their capabilities and experience in dealing with clients. This will ensure that the client gets to know the new point of contact and is assured that he is in capable hands.

  • Set clear assurances that change of POC will not impact the partnership negatively, highlight the new POC's capabilities and clearly indicate that you value their partnership and hence have appointed a very capable person to manage this relationship.

  • Explicitly state that this change will not affect the business relations and operations between company and the client. The show will go on and if there are any questions, queries or apprehensions, the client can get in touch with you to sort them out.

Sample Email for Informing Clients of a New Point of Contact

Subject: [Important] POC Changed from [Previous POC] to [New POC]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

Hope you are doing well. I am writing this email to inform you that there has been a change of POC for your [Account/Company Name].

[Mention the reason for the change, if applicable]

[Old POC Name] is now being replaced by [New POC Name] as the primary contact person effective [Start Date].

[New POC Name] brings with him/her [Explain New POC's Qualifications, Experience] and be assured that you receive the same level of service you generally expect from our partnership.

Here are the contact details of the new POC:

  • Email: [New POC Email]

  • Phone Number: [New POC Phone Number]

If you have any questions or clarifications now or any time in the future, please feel free to reach out the account servicing team's head at [Account Service Team Lead' Email] or you can call them on [Account Service Team Lead' Phone Number] to be swiftly addressed or to share any escalations.

We understand that your collaboration with [Old POC's Name] on [List Projects & Tasks Worked By Both] has been a great experience and we are thankful for them.

[New POC's Name] is committed to giving you more such experiences and maintaining a flawless working relationship.

Thank you for your continued patronage and partnership with [Your Company] and we are happy to serve you.


[Your Name]

[Your Designation]

[Your Contact Information]


Communication a change in POC to your client can feel like something daunting and you might have considering putting it off. But now that you understand how to write this type of email, you should go ahead and do it by personalizing the email, clearly stating the new POC details, assuring the client of continued standards of operation, etc. If you are worried about missing out on critical aspects of the email, feel free to use the above sample email informing the client about POC change.

Thanks for reading.

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