How to Craft a Polite Email Declining a Meeting Invitation from Another Team

In this blog post, we will guide you through drafting an email declining a meeting invitation from another team, but you can also use similar principles even if the invitation came from your own team. We will tackle this scenario with the help of some best practices, tips and even provide you with a sample email which you can copy.

Shiva Prabhakaran

Shiva Prabhakaran

Marketing Expert at Routine
Published on


Getting invited to meetings at work is a common sight in the modern workplace and there are some meetings that you might not be able to attend.

When confronted with these scenarios, it is important to communicate your decision to decline and do so tactfully.

In this blog post, we will guide you through drafting an email declining a meeting invitation from another team, but you can also use similar principles even if the invitation came from your own team. We will tackle this scenario with the help of some best practices, tips and even provide you with a sample email which you can copy.

Things to Remember

  • Look at the context and ascertain whether your presence is a requirement and a value addition. If can not contribute the meeting in a positive way, then declining would do your reputation a lot less harm than not giving your 100% when you are in attendance.

  • When you have decided or the circumstances are such that you will not be able to attend the meeting, be prompt and inform the one who has invited you and if applicable also reach out to other stakeholders who will be in attendance or are related to the agenda of the meeting.

  • Stay polite throughout your email so that you are still able to maintain your goodwill and do not forget to thank the organizers for inviting you to the meeting and clearly state your regret for not being in a position to attend.

Best Practices

  • Reply back using the same subject line if you have received an email invitation. But if that is not possible, then draft one that clearly explains your decision on the meeting.

  • Show appreciation for being invited and express gratitude to the ones who had made the decision. It is important that their judgement to bring you into the meeting for adding value is validated so that if a better meeting opportunity arises in the future, they invite you again.

  • Share the reason as to why you will not be able to attend and try to be as honest as possible but tread a clear line in terms of how much information you want to share. Ideally, you should share only the information that is relevant and hopefully not spoil your reputation.

  • Suggest alternatives since you will not attend the meeting. This could be something as simple as catching up with one of the attendees and get a download on the key points discussed and points of agreement. Ensure them that you are open to attending future meetings should they arise.

  • Maintain professionalism throughout the communication cycle and in the process build goodwill among those who invited you to the meeting and also with those who are relevant to the meeting's context.

Sample Email Template

Subject: Unable to attend meeting on [Subject] on [Date]

Dear [Recipient's Name,

Firstly, thanks for inviting me to the meeting about [Subject] on [Date]. I greatly appreciate the invitation and it is an honour to be considered for participation.

However, after careful review of my commitment and work goals, it is with regret that I have to inform you about my inability to attend the meeting.

The main reason for this is [Explain Why You Can Not Attend the Meeting].

Despite my absence during the meeting, I can ensure that I am fully committed to our collaboration both as individuals and as teams. I will get a download of all the main points of discussion and the path forward from one of the attendees.

Please do not hesitate if there is another way I can contribute to the meeting, even if it is a remote contribution.

Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to more opportunities to work together in the future.

Best regards,

[Your Name]


Now that you have learned how to politely decline a meeting invitation by using best practices, tips and samples, you are now ready to put it into use. Remember that declining a meeting invitation can be done with positivity, finesse and professionalism which in turn can help you keep up your goodwill in the organisation.

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